
The long journey of a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle named Shellbey came to a sad end early this month, when the turtle was found dead in an isolation tank at its temporary home at the University of New England’s Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center in Biddeford, Me.

Fortunately the family that found the turtle washed up on the Vineyard’s north shore shortly after Thanksgiving last year got one last chance to see Shellbey, when they visited the rehabilitation center in January.



Compared with the distance it had already come, the little turtle’s voyage from Martha’s Vineyard to Woods Hole was short. The only unusual thing was, it went by ferry.

Shellbey, the juvenile Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle, was in bad shape, you see. Made lethargic by cold and battered by the weekend’s storm, it was washed up injured on the Island’s north shore.


Endangered Green Sea Turtle Rescued


A 17-pound live green sea turtle found on Chappaquiddick more than a
week ago is recovering at the New England Aquarium. The turtle,
nicknamed Quiddick by a Vineyard veterinarian who first treated it, is
the first endangered green turtle recovered live from the Vineyard.


The Island’s oldest resident may well live in the woods of West Tisbury. Her name is Boxer.
Two nine-year-old girls have seen her. Lucy Hodgson and Amelia Krales saw the ancient woodland traveler at the start of the summer. The old lady was making her way down a narrow path in dense woods under dappled sunlight.
She is a very old box turtle.
Tom Hodgson, Lucy’s father, has read in science books that a box turtle can live for 130 years.
