Tom Hodgson of West Tisbury has a few turtle tales to tell. 

A seasonal resident of Chilmark stepped up to help stranded sea turtles over the Christmas holiday, arranging for 50 of the endangered reptiles to be flown to warmer waters and rehabilitated.


A team from Coast Guard Station Menemsha helped free a leatherback turtle entangled in fishing gear south of the Vineyard early Friday morning.


Snapping turtles have retractable necks.

Unlike their smaller relatives, snapping turtles don’t bask in the sun or float in rows on logs. They are both predators and scavengers.


With the help of two ferries and some human rescuers, a cold-stunned sea turtle made its way from a Chappaquiddick beach to the New England Aquarium Monday.

During President Obama’s vacation, I was driving down Middle Road in Chilmark because a portion of South Road was closed during his visit. As I was passing by the Keith Farm, the car in front of me suddenly stopped on the right side of the road.
