
“Susan, I have what I swear is a peacock hanging precariously onto my niger (thistle seed) feeder. Earlier the same bird was enjoying cooling off...


Misidentification of a bird species is always embarrassing, but when it is one made on a group of birds very difficult to separate, it is not quite...

red knots

The time has come to write my annual piece on what to do with young critters, either feathered or furry, that you come across. Last weekend Prudy...


My thanks go out to all the birders and feeder observers that either went out into the field or watched their feeders last weekend and reported...


Burning Noman’s Land in May? What is that all about? This is nesting season. There are birds on eggs and some with young over there already. Did...


Joe, Elizabeth, Ingrid and Ian Jims, along with their dogs Brillo and Brawney, were walking on the land bank property at Farm Pond in Oak Bluffs...
