
It all started with a message on the bird hot line which I received on July 2. A Chappaquiddick summer resident called to say that she had a pair...


It is very weird for this Island girl to spend a week at 8,000 feet and walk in snow in June. Last week I attended the American Birding Association...


Indigo buntings must be the deepest and brightest blue of all the birds we are likely to see on the Island. A close-up view of a male in good...


Visions of wide open spaces are what one thinks of when they hear the name prairie warbler. Unfortunately, this lovely yellowish warbler has not...


“Susan, I have what I swear is a peacock hanging precariously onto my niger (thistle seed) feeder. Earlier the same bird was enjoying cooling off...


Misidentification of a bird species is always embarrassing, but when it is one made on a group of birds very difficult to separate, it is not quite...
