Decking on East Chop pier removed for the winter season. Tim Johnson

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Button-up time is here. Or, if you prefer, hunker-down time. Take your pick, up or down. We've fallen back on the clock, springing ahead is months down the road. Trick or treating is over. It's time to get ready to hibernate, the annual rite of fall.

We all have our off-season to-do list. The list is long. In truth, there are two lists. One is the long list of things that should be done. The second is a shorter list, much shorter, of things that will be done. It's a matter of priorities, or as it is now fashionable to say, of prioritizing. What that means is much better said in the old-fashioned expression: first things first.

Comments (3)

Shelly Jones, Vineyard Haven
Thank you for your pictures, Tim. The beach club dock with the planking ripped up says it all. Winter, time to do more art, feel alive in the elements outside and have cozy potlucks with friends.
November 5, 2023 - 7:53am
Lorraine, Edgartown
Once again, the photographs are spreading a feeling within me, different things at different photographs, this morning is calm. So calming, in fact, as we more "seasoned" players in the game of life reason: Never do today, what you can put off doing until tomorrow. Thank you Mr. Johnson and the Gazette....
November 5, 2023 - 10:16am
Amanda Trayes, PA
Beautiful photos. Thank you!
November 7, 2023 - 9:44am


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