Stereoscope by S. F. Adams
The much-talked-of Dedication of the Chapel at Oak Bluffs came off last Sunday morning. The exercises opened at half past ten o’clock, Rev. Dr. Turner of Hartford, chairman of the dedicatory committee, presiding. An organ voluntary introduced the services, followed by the singing of the Credo, from La Hache’s Mass for Peace, by the Park Church choir. The other exercises then occurred in the following order: Invocation and reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. J. J. Roberts, D. D., of New York; hymn by the congregation; introductory address by Rev. Dr. Quint of New Bedford; dedicatory prayer, by Rev. Dr. Brown of Warren, R.I.; principal address, by Rev. Dr. Tiffany, of Newark, N.J.; concluding address, by Rev. W. H. Alden, of Portsmouth, N.H.; closing prayer, by Rev. Mr. Clark, of Newtonville, Mass.; hymn by the congregation; benediction, by Rev. Dr. Woodruff, of New York. Mr. L. P. Thatcher superintended the singing.
The addresses were remarkable for there non-sectarian character, as became the occasion and the varied elements embraced in the congregation. The speakers united in commending the liberality evinced in the erection of the chapel, and hoped that the influence of the new church might be as widely felt as its peculiar opportunities would seem to warrant.