Vineyard Gazette
The student of Vineyard history, at least such history as has been published, will recognize the fact that it was largely through the clergy that things were accomplished during the first hundred
African American History
Oscar E Denniston
Bradley Memorial Church
Denniston House


From the eternal flame at the Kirkuk oil fields to the one-room schoolhouse in West Tisbury, Anne Ganz's cartoons tell the story of her life.

Just three days in to creating his third kinetic bird sculpture, Tim Laursen has already figured out how to make the wings flap.

Jo Douglas spends much of her summer behind the wheel of her pickup truck as part of her Fork to Pork operation. In the off-season, though, she can be seen behind a much different wheel: the Zamboni at the Martha’s Vineyard Ice Arena.

This year’s Black History Month stamp, honoring judge Constance Baker Motley, is the work of an acclaimed Vineyard artist who divides his time between the Island and Atlanta.

Nearly two years after receiving her master’s degree in divinity from the Boston University School of Theology, Rev. Joanne Hus still marvels at the fact she’s wearing a clerical collar.

Charlie Shipway’s sailing journey began at the long-running Menemsha Pond Races, led to the Barcelona Olympics, and then returned to the Vineyard and the Sunfish craft he first learned on.
