Edith Blake
In the words of the movies, Jaws has “wrapped,” struck its sets and stolen away in mammoth trucks.
Alex Elvin
Forty years after its release, Jaws remains a treasured part of Island history. A look back on the summer Hollywood filmmakers descended on the Island and struggled against all odds to make a realistic-looking movie about a giant shark with a taste for human flesh.


From July 4 through July 10, a new group show at the art gallery pays tribute to Jaws production designer Joe Alves.


They came by foot, by dinghy, by kayak and paddleboard for a free outdoor screening of Jaws in Owen Park.

Jaws is back! Or at least Shari Rhodes, the casting director, has been on the Island casting for Jaws II.


Forty years after its release, Jaws remains a treasured part of Island history. A look back on the summer Hollywood filmmakers descended on the Island and struggled against all odds to make a realistic-looking movie about a giant shark with a taste for human flesh.

The sky was clear, and the waxing moon was in competition with the stars of the sky, the stars of the screen, and the stars of the Island, and into this perfect setting (or set) went Islanders in best bib and tucker to see the premiere of their very own movie, Jaws.


On Monday Jaws 2 was back cluttering up Edgartown with cables, trucks, extras and all the wonderful paraphernalia used in the world of illusion.
