Menemsha fisherman Walter Dixon had a surprise shipmate join his fishing trip on Monday afternoon: a brown booby.

After 25 years the Edgartown tackle shop that has been the go-to place to get equipment, bait and catch up with Capt. Porky and his wife Carol, is changing hands.

The Vineyard made a strong showing recently at the Massachusetts Saltwater Derby Awards ceremony at the New England Boat Show in Boston.

Beach access, erosion and the effects of climate change were all topics of discussion at the annual Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association banquet held Saturday in Edgartown.


Dozens of New Bedford-based commercial fishing boats were ordered to stop fishing last week in the wake of the federal prosecution of fishing magnate Carlos Rafael, known as The Codfather.

Lines are in the water and the grand leader board is changing as the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby heads into the final week of fishing.
