Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Edgartown reopened its trail system Thursday. Director Suzan Bellincampi said the buildings remain closed.

What to do under the full moon? Pitch woo, perhaps. Or dance by the light of the moon or howl at the moon or watch moon movies: Moonstruck, Paper Moon, Moon Over Miami.


Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary has been awarded a $30,000 TernSOLAR challenge grant from the Tern Foundation to install a second array of solar panels on their new equipment barn roof.

Turkey is on the menu Thanksgiving day but the next day Felix Neck puts birds of prey center stage — alive and full of talons.

Felix Neck will be opening the doors of a new nature-based preschool on Sept. 3.

A pair of barn owls and their four owlets moved in above Liz Dengenis’ desk at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary.
