Vineyard Gazette
Wednesday of last week was a great day for the Vineyard.
Agricultural Fair
West Tisbury History
Maia Coleman
The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society has unveiled the winning poster for the fair this summer honoring Emma Hall, a longtime fair volunteer who died this winter in a motor vehicle accident.
Agricultural Fair


Friday’s deluge of rain turned the grassy parking lots around the fair into mud pits. But on Saturday the sun and heat returned along with lots of happy fairgoers.

Teams lined up for the draft horse pull at the Agricultural Fair Friday were undeterred by rain. In fact, wet weather kept the animals cool.

On opening day of the 156th annual Agricultural Fair, a small crowd gathered before the ticketers had arrived.

Four-days of fun are in store at the 156th Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Livestock Show and Fair, which takes place from Thursday, August 17 to Sunday, August 20.

Kate Wignall designed her winning Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Fair poster based on the town signs on the Vineyard. She modeled the energetic sheep on her dog Piper.


A family of four was first in line at the entrance booth Thursday morning, waiting to buy their tickets for the first day of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society’s 155th Agricultural fair.
