The Vineyard Gazette
The readers of the Gazette will please bear with us this week for the lack of extended news of local affairs.
Camp Meeting History
Illumination Night
Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association
Illumination Night will held as planned on August 18, but festivities have been modified and scaled back due to Covid concerns.
Illumination Night


On Wednesday evening the Grand Illumination started the same way it has for 150 years — with a community sing.

With Illumination Night, the Agricultural Fair and Oak Bluffs fireworks all on the docket, this week marks the high point of traditional summer events on Martha’s Vineyard. It all begins at sundown tonight, with the 150th Grand Illumination.


The Martha’s Vineyard Camp Ground celebrated its 49th annual Grand Illumination Night on Wednesday.

At sundown the gingerbread houses of the Camp Ground will glow with the light of thousands of lanterns, part of a summertime tradition in Oak Bluffs.

Illumination, the Agricultural Fair, the Oak Bluffs Fireworks, it’s all happening this coming week, the end of summer bonanza that keeps on giving.


The Camp Ground lit up for the 148th Grand Illumination Wednesday. Before the lanterns were turned on, crowds packed the Tabernacle for a concert by the Vineyard Haven Band and a community sing.
