Lily Walter
I could not help but feel relief and a spark of hope as we turned our sights to what lies ahead.
Chappy Town Column
Lily Walter
Hold off on those quail orders for now.
Chappy Town Column
Peter Wells
There has always been a conflict between preserving the values of the past and implementing our perceptions of the future.
Chappy Town Column
Chappy Ferry
Brad Woodger
I was mowing the grass on a cloudless Sunday, when a cloud darkened the ground below me. That’s odd, I thought. Rogue cloud?
Chappy Town Column


The installation of the new ferry ramp on the Chappy side is completed.

The new loading ramp for the ferry slip on the Chappy side is now on a trailer at the point.

Slip Away Farm is looking for an individual to join their field crew full-time, June through August.

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 12. But don’t wait for the calendar to tell you when to do something special for your mom.

This is the yellowest Spring that I can recall. I’m betting that at some point forsythia will be labeled an invasive species.

The eclipse last Monday brought lots of folks outdoors on a beautiful sunny day.
