When Two-Wheelers Crash, Moped Victims Suffer Worst, New Hospital Survey Reveals
Chris Burrell

The latest survey of moped, bicycle and motorcycle accidents on the Island won't show the broken ribs, the punctured lungs or the "whole body rubbed raw" by a case of road rash, said Dr. Alan Hirshberg, the director of emergency services at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

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Better Direction in Moped News: Accident Totals Continue to Fall
Chris Burrell

Joanne Nutting is one of the 27 people who crashed a moped on the Vineyard last year and ended up in the emergency room at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

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Emergency Responders Report Moped Accidents Down Again

Emergency Responders Report Moped Accidents Down Again


Moped accidents were down again on the Vineyard this summer, and
emergency responders cite better public safety education as a possible

Preliminary numbers compiled by the four ambulance departments on
the Island show that the departments responded to an average number of
calls during the summer months, with a slight increase in the
down-Island departments.

But across the board the number of moped accidents saw a significant

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Moped Fatality Incites Advocates for Change
Jim Hickey

Sunday's moped accident that claimed the life of a 41-year-old
New York city woman has reopened old wounds for Islanders who want to
see stronger safety standards for the two-wheeled vehicles, and others
who want them banned from the Vineyard altogether.

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Island Visitor Dies in Moped Accident
Jim Hickey

A woman visitor driving a moped down a straight stretch of the
Edgartown-West Tisbury Road in West Tisbury on Sunday was killed after
she reportedly lost control of the two-wheeled vehicle and struck a
utility pole head-on.

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Holiday Moped Accidents Cause Injuries
Jim Hickey

Island police yesterday reported a busy but relatively smooth Fourth of July holiday weekend.

The biggest story, of course, was the devastating fire on Main street in Vineyard Haven that destroyed the Cafe Moxie restaurant and caused extensive damage to the landmark Bunch of Grapes bookstore, which cast a pall for many over the usually celebratory Independence Day weekend.

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