Here it is a week into the New Year and I’ve managed to break all my resolutions. Next year I shall resolve to make none! The light has noticeably...
Recognition trumps memory. I was organizing my greenhouse this week and came across several clumps of seemingly dead plants. I had no recollection of...
This is the sixth Christmas column I have written and I must confess I do not have much for you. Here it is Christmas afternoon and I sit here hoping...
What is happening? Back in the 1970s there was a rainy Christmas day with temperatures in the mid-50s. It was so unusual that we recorded it on a...
I loathe and despise leaf blowers. Who came up with such an invention? They are ear-shatteringly large, ecologically unsound and remarkably stupid....
I love a typographical error in the columns. Oftentimes it gives me some ideas for the following week. Last Friday’s paper misread my hometown of Rew...
There is always something interesting in the natural world, especially in the garden if you are paying attention. Last weekend was so beautiful I...
By the time this is printed, we will be at the beginning of turkey leftovers. I do not mind leftovers, in fact, I’m down right fond of them. The only...
I must say the past week’s northeaster was pretty darned remarkable. There were a few gusts that made me fear for life and limb. I made the mistake...
I spent an extraordinary amount of time watching television this past week. The footage from the hurricane aftermath was so amazing and scary. I don’...
I am writing on Monday afternoon still extremely grateful to have power. I cannot begin to imagine life in a city during a major weather event with...
It’s been a busy week on the job sites. I’ve been pruning some of the shrubs. The hydrangeas, although they still look wonderful, are in need of some...
