Sometime during the more than two weeks of cloudy, dreary weather, Zappa — my five-year-old great-grandson — said, "Mame, didn't the sky used to be...
It's a good thing I do not have seasonal affective disorder.
For several years now I have noted the effects of climate change on the Vineyard and, more specifically, on my own gardens.
Even though we should have known better, Violet and I drove through Five Corners.
On Sunday in the late morning, Violet and I took a drive along State Beach.
I must say: Tuesday's cloudless, sunny day was a welcome relief to greet the brand-new year.
The weather is warm and foggy and lends itself to a lazy day.
Once when the children were small it rained on Christmas Day.
So far this month we have only experienced a couple of below or near-freezing days.
It was another relatively warm week, especially given that we are now in December.
What a rude awakening last Sunday. It was our first significant freeze.
Because we really have not had as much rain as we had last month, my winter rye has taken forever to sprout.
