The high school committee has approved a plan for a new $3.9 million schools administration building, which will be up for town meeting approval this...
The All Cape and Islands alumni basketball game will take place on March 15 at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center.
Next week the Island’s choral teachers present the All Island Choral Festival with performances by the high school band and orchestra in celebration...
Three Vineyard teams qualified for the postseason, which began Wednesday as girls’ basketball and girls’ hockey played their first-round games. The...
The Vineyard Montessori School is expanding its curriculum, with plans in place to add a fifth grade next year. And administrators and teachers say...
Tisbury School students traveled to New Bedford recently to take part in the Southeast Chapter MathCounts competition along with more than a dozen...
For four weeks, Godfrey Muwulya, a native dancer from Uganda, has been teaching traditional dances from his country to fifth and sixth grade social...
At the recommendation of incoming Vineyard schools superintendent Matthew D’Andrea, the all-Island school committee will ask Richard Smith to replace...
The Vineyard girls’ hockey team defeated Bourne last week to secure their spot in the state tournament. Senior captains Aubrey Ashmun, Sydney Davies...
Jim Ross from the ARC of Massachusetts is the guest speaker at this month’s meeting of the Island Parents Advisory Council on Special Education.
As part of an effort to address a deteriorating school building and a growing student population, the Tisbury school committee will apply again for...
After the curtain fell Friday night on the second performance of Into the Woods, friends and family rushed to the stage offering flowers and hugs to...
