Badfish, the most successful Sublime tribute band around, will bring the noise to Dreamland in Oak Bluffs on July 31.
Jellybone Rivers and the Maniacs of the Heart will be playing live music in the Ocean Park Bandstand every other Sunday starting July 20.
The first ever Martha's Vineyard Sound Festival brought together musicians from around the Island for seven hours of outdoor music at Waban Park in...
A special concert at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs on Sunday, July 13 will celebrate David Crohan's 70th birthday and 50th year of performing on the...
For his birthday on Monday, Phil daRosa asked for just one thing this year: a music festival. This Saturday he gets his wish, thanks largely to his...
Tank tops and skintight American flag apparel mixed with ties, button down shirts and khakis at the Stars and Stripes Music Festival held on Saturday...
On Saturday night, the lights will dim in the Whaling Church in Edgartown as Livingston Taylor strums the first notes of his set.
This Saturday evening, the Stars and Stripes music festival to benefit the YMCA will celebrate its fourth year at Flatbread Company, featuring a...
Rosanne Cash and John Leventhal, her husband and guitar player, performed at Flatbread Company last night in a concert to benefit the relocation of...
The Martha’s Vineyard Sound Festival is coming. Are you ready? On Saturday, July 12, from 3 to 9 p.m., Waban Park in Oak Bluffs will be turned into a...
His father is the singer Chronicle, and for awhile he was Little Chronicle. But as he found his own way in the music business, he needed his own name...
Poets and musicians will gather at Featherstone on Thursday, June 19, to commemorate the season. Martha’s Vineyard poet laureate Lee McCormack and...


Arts Briefs

Siren (formerly Katie) Mayhew will perform with the Cape Symphony at the Tabernacle on June 29 at 6 p.m.

The MV Film Society is hosting a film and music festival (Filmusic) this weekend, through Sunday, June 26.

The Martha’s Vineyard All-Island Junior High Band earned a gold medal at the Great East Music Festival.
