Three months ago last week, I was sworn in as your local state representative.
Kudos to Ralph Packer for making a noticeable improvement to the Beach Road walking experience.
Until this morning, I did not realize that Tuesday’s town hall meetings were scheduled for the same night as the second Passover Seder.
On April 24, Chilmark is voting to allow the sale of beer and wine in restaurants.
I wish to express our gratitude to selectmen and well-wishers in our efforts to try to preserve the outer shell of the Island Theater.
On behalf of the Hall family, I ask you to oppose wasteful spending by the town of Edgartown for the taking of the Yellow House at 66 Main Street.
The Hall family lives by two rules: thou shall not ever sell any property and thou shall not ever spend a penny on any property.
There is some confusion about the community policing article that is on the warrant in each town.
It is important to vote yes on the proposed warrant article that aims to reinforce a safe community for all of us.
As spring annual town meetings and elections get closer there is a lot to think about and prepare for. Our influence over national affairs is...
Voters in Oak Bluffs have two versions of a plastic bag bylaw to consider at our town meeting on April 11.
Voters at the Tisbury annual town meeting on April 25, will be asked to vote on two warrant articles to appropriate and transfer from the building...
