The Island Housing Trust will receive $250,000 in state funding for a planned 20-unit affordable development in Tisbury.
In a historic 10-4 decision the Martha’s Vineyard Commission voted Thursday night to deny the Meeting House Place subdivision.
All 96 residents who were tested for Covid-19 on tiny Cuttyhunk island last week have received negative test results.
The Tisbury board of health has imposed a mandatory mask order, effective July 30, for downtown Vineyard Haven and waterfront areas.
A key Martha’s Vineyard Commission subcommittee informally, but strongly, recommended rejecting the 54-acre, 29-lot Meeting House Way subdivision on...
The initiative announced Monday will preserve nearly all the remaining undeveloped land on Cuttyhunk — including a large swath of unspoiled barrier...
Concerned about crowding on buses, Vineyard Transit Authority drivers presented the VTA advisory board with a petition last week asking for better...
The towns of West Tisbury, Chilmark and Aquinnah are opening a single cooling shelter at the West Tisbury Library today and tomorrow.
Both TestMV and the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported new cases of Covid-19 over the weekend, bringing the total number of patients who have tested...
Due to a nationwide surge in demand for testing, patients will now have to wait a week or longer for results from the TestMV comprehensive...
A sweeping, state-coordinated public health response has been initiated on remote Cuttyhunk after a recent spike in coronavirus cases.
Gov. Charlie Baker signed a supplemental FY2020 budget into law on Friday, officially shifting the burden for this year’s projected Steamship...
