The illumination of Clinton avenue Saturday night was fully up to the high standard of excellence, established last year.
On a black night almost 37 years ago, August 11, 1883, a summer visitor stood on Vineyard Haven wharf.
When Lady Bird Johnson walks among wildflowers at the home of an Island friend near Watcha Pond, she steps lightly and speaks gently.
Perhaps at sometime in the distant future, the Island of Martha’s Vineyard may be referred to as Greater Martha’s Vineyard.
From the Cottagers’ Corner column in the July 1969 editions of the Vineyard Gazette by Dorothy West.
Of all the interesting historical spots on Martha’s Vineyard, none is more picturesque than the Brickyard in Chilmark.
There is a furious urgency about July which is lost sight of only because the month is warm and sometimes languorous.
The history of Martha’s Vineyard during the American Revolution does not always offer patently reassuring images.
Only a few years ago everyone who wanted to use a telephone on the Vineyard had to turn the little hand crank on the telephone box.
It is likely that regular boat service between Martha’s Vineyard and the mainland was being operated by 1800.
The class of 1960, besides being the first class to have the distinction to be graduated from the new school, had been in many respects a test class.
Brickman’s is a store that is well established, the name having been known in Vineyard Haven for thirty-three years.
