Beach access, erosion and the effects of climate change were all topics of discussion at the annual Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association banquet...
Dozens of New Bedford-based commercial fishing boats were ordered to stop fishing last week in the wake of the federal prosecution of fishing magnate...
The Edgartown shellfish committee delayed a formal decision on a plan to open Cape Pogue Pond for oyster farms, with tension over protecting a...
Trish Lyman of Edgartown won a new car and John Stasiuk of Northford, Connn., took home a new boat at the derby awards ceremony held Sunday.
Seven service veterans along with their families came to the Island this week to participate in the American Heroes Saltwater Challenge.
Lines are in the water and the grand leader board is changing as the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby heads into the final week of...
More bass. More albies. The fourth week of the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby saw fishing pick up.
Catching all four species on a flyrod is a rare feat in the derby. But that’s what Zach Horrocks has done.
During the second week of the Striped Bass and Bluefish derby, the name most often escaping the lips of Derby fishermen was not a trusted lure maker...
Crew from station Menemsha rescued the derby fisherman who fell into the channel during a ferocious northeast storm.
Registrations are up, the weather has been good — so far — and plenty of fish are hitting the scales at derby headquarters in Edgartown.
On Sunday morning the Oak Bluffs ferry wharf was filled as young anglers took to the pier for the annual Kids Derby, where fish are measured by...
