Michael Zide, a former Island resident, Vineyard Gazette photographer and current instructor at the Hallmark Institute of Photography, will present...
Once towering, now crumbling, the cliff at Lucy Vincent Beach has inspired artists and photographers throughout the world. Beginning this weekend...
Vineyard Haven has been named number four on the list of America’s small-town ArtPlaces for 2013. This distinction is reserved specifically for small...
Time to get your art on. The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library are hosting a group art show at the library in June and they are calling...
Over the next two weekends ceramic artist Washington Ledesma is doing some spring cleaning by hosting a Shelves Clearance sale to make room for new...
Renee Balter will be the featured artist for the month of April at the Vineyard Haven Public Library as part of their Art in the Stacks program.
Although the March wind still blows cold, spring is beginning to make itself known on the Island. And for those who want to truly embrace spring, on...
When artist Margot Datz begins a new project she finds it hard to stop. “Until someone rips me off the wall I’m there,” she said on Wednesday morning...
During summer the Chilmark Tavern stays true to its name. It is a place to eat and imbibe — bring your own, of course. But for the past few years,...
Two artists, Ray Ellis, 91, from Edgartown and Joshua Chase, 10, from Hudson, will be featured this morning on the Today Show. The two are new best...
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum is hosting a reception tonight, March 15, for its latest spotlight gallery. These are short-term galleries devoted to...
In Brendan Coogan’s classroom at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, student Amy Fligor daintily painted her nails; all fifty of them. “We...


Arts Briefs

The Gay Head Gallery is open for the season, featuring local and nationally acclaimed artists, photographers, jewelers and sculptors.

A reception for husband and wife artists Paul Karasik and Marsha Winsryg takes place at the Vineyard Playhouse on Saturday, June 27.

The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will present Blooming Art 2015, an exhibit pairing art and flowers.
