Starting with an exhibition on Sunday, Sept. 3, the Old Sculpin Gallery in Edgartown is celebrating the en plein air style.
For one evening only, artists Steve Lohman, Sarah Nelson and Darcie Lee Hanaway created a group show inspired by movement and memory on the brick...
The Thomas Hart Benton painting Roasting Ears holds an important place in American art history, and now it holds a place on the walls of the Granary...
The Louisa Gould Gallery is hosting its 10th annual abstract art show.There will be a reception on Saturday, Aug 26.
This Sunday, Sarah Nelson and Steve Lohman are teaming up to show their respective work at the Tisbury Waterworks.
At an artist’s reception at the Field Gallery on Sunday, Tommy May described his process, one that includes working on 30 paintings at once. He uses...
A stainless steel sculpture by Jay Lagemann has found a new home at the Field Gallery Sculpture Garden in West Tisbury.
Light and the vibrancy shine through Ashley Medowski’s collection Summer Nights + Sea Life, running through Labor Day in her Lambert’s Cove gallery.
Abstract painter Tommy May will debut his work at the Field Gallery, with a reception on Sunday, August 20 from 5 to 7 p.m.
The Sargent Gallery in Aquinnah will host a reception on August 20 for its last exhibit of the season.
What goes best with soup? Art, of course.
Wendy Weldon’s latest collection of acrylics on display at North Water Gallery is plucked from her beach walks with her dog Lillie Belle.


Arts Briefs

This year the Art of Flowers is bigger.

PathwaysARTS presents the fifth annual Imagined Gardens and Landscapes evening on Friday, March 30.

Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School sophomore Davin Tackabury of West Tisbury won a gold medal at the National Scholastic Art Awards for his...
