Green home building is all the rage right now, but humans are Johnny-come-latelys to ecological building. Our “nests” are too often made from new...
Run, herring, run! Or, rather, swim, herring, swim, to your natal stream. River herring — harbingers of spring — should be back soon, if they are...
Next week, I will put all of my eggs in one basket.
This tree will give you shakes and shingles. Building materials aside, many of us agree that the Eastern red cedar is a terrific tree. Arthur...
Some males will do anything to impress the ladies. Even though I heard the call last week, I knew in my heart that he wasn’t my type. Hey, he...
Only slow food will do for this bird. Faster prey would fly, run or otherwise get away before it became a vulture’s meal. Vultures like their...
There is a whale of a tale in Edgartown. Marine mammal madness is what I call it. Earlier this week, I received a call about a few animals that...
I learned a hard lesson last Sunday. It was about two hours into my research and half an hour into the writing of this week’s column when I came...
The apple was wrongly accused. It might just have been an innocent victim of an ancient slander. Many scholars believe that it was actually a...
Sometimes you just have to face the facts, even if they seem rather unpleasant. Most people use the term habitat without realizing that they are...
In the forest, the dead sometimes stand tall and refuse to fall. Don’t mourn for these deceased; they are a sign of healthy woodlands, wealthy...
Sometimes you just have to face the facts, even if they seem rather unpleasant. Most people use the term habitat without realizing that they are...
