O n April 14, the residents of Tisbury will be asked to vote on the sale of beer and wine in our town. The real question that most of us are...

In the past several weeks, comments in Island news papers have questioned the necessity of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission or whether Vineyard town...

Super Tuesday Notes On Tuesday night voters will gather in four of the six Vineyard towns to conduct their annual town meetings. Town meetings are...

Ben the Heath Hen

Note: The  Heath Hen, once a plentiful bird throughout New England, was last seen by James Green in West Tisbury on March 11, 1932. The Ballad...

Ship to Shore From Gazette editions of April, 1909:

LONDON — The newspaper industry is ailing; but I do not think that newspapers will altogether die. — Tom Driberg, one of Fleet Street’s premier...


Letters to the Editor

This is in response to Barry Carroll’s letter of August 3. Let me preface this by saying I am not anti-gun, I am pro-sane gun laws.

Every four years Americans get a chance to choose who will control their government for the next four. Individuals join or form interest groups,...

Just to clarify Hancock Beach’s history, it was named to honor Priscilla Hancock, chocolatier, who owned the land from the gate to the shore. There...
