The Tisbury Firefighters Association’s annual car show is rolling out of Tisbury to park at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in Oak Bluffs this...

The state police bomb squad was called to Chappaquiddick after the discovery of two World War II practice bombs, later determined to be inert, on a...

Mariners, the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are updating their charts to account for the light’s...

Last Wednesday, hundreds of people gathered for this year’s forum hosted by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard...

Panelists participating in the annual Hutchins Forum last week at the Old Whaling Church took on the broad-ranging topic of whether black millennials...

Lucinda Perregil of Edgartown and Madeline Scott of Vineyard Haven were named to the spring 2015 dean’s list at the University of Massachusetts...


News Briefs

The animal shelter is the place to hear both the saddest and the happiest stories.

PigPen is back. No, not the kid from Peanuts. This is the troupe that specializes in grass roots storytelling, music, puppetry and live theatre.

Pulitzer-prize winning playwright James Lapine is holding a casting call for an eight- to 10-year-old boy who can act and sing for a musical he is...
