It’s the quiet time of the season but if you know where to look — on hill and dale, beneath leaf and clover, in bars and community centers, or on beaches — ample activities await.

First up is the Chilmark Potluck Jam on Saturday, Dec. 30 at the Chilmark Community Center. The music begins at 6 p.m. and is just the thing to whet the New Year’s appetite.

On the Eve of the New Year, start the day at the Christmas Bird Count, as teams fan out across the Island to take note of our avian species in this annual rite of flight and passage.

Then, after a good day birding, head to Oak Bluffs if in the mood to ring in 2024 with a midnight countdown among other seasoned revelers. Serendipity rocks the PA Club, and Johnny Hoy and Bluefish and DJ Smooth play the Ritz.

On New Year’s day the outdoor beckons again, with the 16th annual Offshore Ale/Lazy Frog Disc Golf Tournament. Register at Offshore Ale at 9:30 a.m. and enjoy breakfast sandwiches. The main event at Riverhead Disc Golf Course on Barnes Road begins at 11:30 a.m., with an after-party and awards ceremony held at the Portuguese American Club.

For those who take their outdoor time in a less recreational fashion there is a first day hike at Menemsha Hills with the Trustees of Reservations. The hike is approximately two to three miles along, and begins at 10 a.m.

Or forge your own path, at home, oceanside or up in a tree. It’s a New Year, with 365 chapters to come. Enjoy this first one in your own way.