It started innocently enough, online, scrolling through old cars. Then I caught sight of a Jeepster. For sale.

What’s that, you ask. Jeepsters were built for GIs returning from the war in the late 1940s. It was a convertible, with a large rear seat, perfect for sightseeing or lounging about.

Jeepsters were a product of Willys-Overland Motors. And in the 1950s my family had a boxy Willys. The Jeepster was a dream, a fantasy and could be mine on eBay.

Once the bidding concluded it was mine. I rolled off the ferry in June 2011. What a treat. I fantasized about driving all over the Vineyard. Usually, I drove the Jeepster through Oak Bluffs, with occasional treks up-Island, like a stop by the old red gas pump on North Road. I gave friends and family rides around East Chop. It was a treat, although I did visit Binks for repairs more than once.

The Edgartown parade was an annual event. I would fill the car up with grandchildren clutching bags of candy and slowly motor along the route, smiling and waving. Lots of toots, lots of laughs, lots of candy.

Most memorable was when I loaded seven grandchildren aboard — Gus, Dylan and Henry in front, Vin, Shealyn, Molly and Jocelyn in back. My wife Joyce walked alongside to ensure everyone behaved. The kids were fine, but the Jeepster overheated. We rolled to the side of the road. The kids hopped out, switching from tossing candy to catching it, without missing a beat.

The Jeepster drove in two weddings, one in Falmouth, another on East Chop. Over the years we perfected the Queen’s wave while cruising up Circuit avenue.

Finicky, yet fun, the Jeepster has served me well over the last dozen years. However, it’s time for a younger owner to master the whims of a car with three-quarters of a century under its hood. Like me, the Jeepster is getting on in years, yet appreciates the love and attention necessary to keep rolling on.

On my final route, I plan to drive the Jeepster in the Edgartown parade this Saturday, Dec. 9, rain or shine. Will you cheer us on?

Thomas Dresser lives in Oak Bluffs.