It’s time to locate the sun hats. Both Violet and I had facial sun burns this past week. I forgot how strong the sun is this time of year.

Plants are beginning to pop out of the ground and are becoming recognizable. It’s sad that both the early crocuses and snowdrops have gone by. I hope I enjoyed them enough. Fortunately, they’ve been replaced by the next batch of spring bulbs. I never have enough daffodils but spend plenty of time admiring other people’s. I feel as if I have planted bushels over the years but they fail to multiply.

I made a half-hearted attempt to get back to work this past week. I finally pulled the pathetic Christmas decorations from pots and boxes. Heather Gardens had a spring delivery so I was able to toss a few Tet é d é Tet é daffodils, some grape hyacinths, and several six packs of violas into the empty pots. I must say, it livened up the entryways. It’s hard to believe we are at Easter already. Time certainly marches at an alarming rate as a person ages.

My friend, Joyce, was doing a major purge and brought me a life-sized plastic coyote. Apparently, one of her customers had purchased it hoping to frighten away Canada geese. It did not work. I have hopes that it will work on deer in my yard. I’ve been moving it around in my tulips. I admit it startles me every time I see it and my poor old dog is terrified. If she had a tail it would be between her legs.

Violet’s photo shoot this week gave me three separate topics to discuss. The seed potatoes arrived this week. Marie discovered a great company — the Maine Potato Lady. Many were so large that I cut them into smaller pieces. Just make sure each piece has a couple of “eyes.” I let them dry on newspaper until a scab forms on the cut side. It allows for twice or thrice as many plants. I plant whole if they are around the size of a golf ball.

The garlic bulb was the last of my crop from last summer. It formed roots in the jar of water and has sprouted. I will carefully worry the bulbs loose and plant them separately. They will be ready as spring garlic in no time.

Finally, I’m getting a decent amount of eggs. All the hens are doing their spring best. Imagine my surprise to get the tiny one in the next box alongside the others. It’s only a bit larger than a robin’s egg. Nature is grand.

I was happy this past week to receive a letter from Larry Leiberman of Dobb’s Ferry, N.Y. There is nothing quite like receiving something in the mail that someone took the time to thoughtfully write. Thanks, Larry

A few weeks ago I got my second shot. There was a bit of anxiety as I had been hearing anecdotal stories of people spending a few days recovering from the second dose. I had a sore arm but nothing more. It’s amazing that people do not plan to get the vaccine. I am so glad that there is a way out of this global nightmare. I know we have a ways to go but hope springs eternal.