The West Tisbury Farmers’ Market will move to the Agricultural Society fairgrounds this summer.

Selectmen voted to approve the move on Wednesday.

Town administrator Jen Rand said the Grange Hall does not have enough space to practice social distancing. “The only way the health agent can approve the farmer’s market is to move it,” she said.

She said the state has provided guidelines allowing farmers markets to continue during the pandemic.

Kristina West, executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society, said the society supports the move. Ms. West said the property could be opened earlier than June to help oyster and mushroom farmers sell their product.

The society will also begin hosting the free food distribution program, previously held at the West Tisbury library. The program has caused traffic backups in town. A trial run held at the fairgrounds two weeks ago was successful, Ms. West said.

Selectmen Skipper Manter backed the moved but raised concerns that traffic and noise could lead to a potential violation of the agricultural preservation restriction on the property.

“I don’t have an objection. My concern is the continued expansion of big activities,” he said, noting that the restriction requires the town to maintain “the quiet tranquility of the historic area. . . This would have an impact on that, to some degree.”

Also at the meeting, town clerk Tara J. Whiting-Wells said absentee ballots are available for the annual town election on June 25. She said the ballots are available to all during the pandemic.

“Anyone who wants one can request an absentee ballot,” the town clerk said.

— Will Sennott