The Vineyard Gazette’s annual holiday subscription drive has raised $11,085 for Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, which provides care and comfort to Island families at the end of life.

Gazette publisher Jane Seagrave said 739 people subscribed to the Gazette between Thanksgiving and Jan. 31, when the promotion ended. Since 2015, the Gazette has pledged to donate $15 of every subscription it receives during the two-month holiday season to an Island charity.

“This year’s beneficiary, Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, is an extraordinary organization whose many contributions to our community only become truly evident when someone you know is facing death or the loss of a loved one,” Ms. Seagrave said. “Thanks to those who took the opportunity to show their appreciation for the staff and volunteers of Hospice while subscribing to the Gazette.”

Hospice provides a range of support to Island families dealing with serious illness, including coordination of medical, social and spiritual services, direct nursing care, assistance in understanding medical options and bereavement and grief counseling. While Hospice employs a small specialized care team, much of its work is performed by volunteers. Patients and their families receive care at no cost.

Jessica Rogers, development coordinator for Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, thanked the Gazette and its subscribers for the donation, noting that the organization depends on gifts to continue its important mission.

“This is truly amazing, and we are incredibly grateful not only for this financial support but also the publicity that the Gazette has provided to the organization throughout the fall and winter,” she said. “Because Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard never bills for our services, it is only through the generosity of our supporters that our work is possible.”

Until 2015, the Gazette offered merchandise like books and tote bags as an incentive to people to subscribe to the newspaper. Since the company decided to donate what it might have spent on premiums to community organizations, the Gazette has distributed more than $60,000 to various Island nonprofit groups. Past beneficiaries include the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group, Island Grown Schools, Camp Jabberwocky and CONNECT to End Violence.

Anyone who subscribed, gave a gift subscription or became a Friend of the Vineyard Gazette during the holiday season indirectly participated in supporting Hospice this year, Ms. Seagrave said.

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