We would like to thank you all for your participation in the senior fish distribution program. After reviewing our sign-in sheets, we estimate that over 95 individual households received fish and that over 200 bags of fish were distributed. Please note that these numbers do not include family and friends of the seniors who benefited from this program through the sharing of the gift of fresh, local fish.

We would like to acknowledge the importance of this program and its value to our community. The fish distribution brings seniors from all over the Island to our Senior Center where they can then be informed of our services and be connected to both staff members and other community members.

During the Derby we provide simple yet delicious recipes so that our seniors have fun while preparing and eating the fish that they may not be able to afford otherwise. This program serves in providing nutritious food to so many dinner tables and serves various cultural, social, and health and wellness needs.

On behalf of Howes House and the greater Martha’s Vineyard Community, we thank you!

Tanya Larsen, assistant director, Up-Island Council on Aging

West Tisbury