President Obama started off the first full day of his Vineyard vacation engaged in a favorite pastime: hitting the links with friends.

The President headed to Farm Neck Golf Club for a round of golf with actor Larry David, former UBS president Robert Wolf, and friend Cyrus Walker. The President wore a light colored golf shirt and a beige baseball hat on a warm day on the Vineyard.

Farm Neck is a frequent stop for Mr. Obama during his Vineyard vacations. Last year, he took his golf clubs there six times during his time on the Island.

At the first hole, Mr. David found himself in a sand trap, trying to hit his golf ball back onto the green.

After a putt, the President raised his leg as if willing the ball to go into the hole, which it did not do.

After a little more than 4 hours on the golf course, the President headed back to his rented vacation home in Chilmark, where he will remain for the evening.

The President, First Lady Michelle Obama, and daughter Sasha arrived on the Vineyard Friday night for a 16-day Vineyard summer vacation.