Bay scallops are again being shipped to the mainland after a slowdown in the market two weeks ago. On Nov. 30, several local handlers of wholesale seafood reported having difficulty finding markets on the mainland, with some shellfishermen told to stay out of the waters until demand increased.

As of last week, lines to the mainland had been reopened.

Still, the market leaves much to be desired, said Louis S. Larsen of the Net Result in Vineyard Haven. Long Island is producing its own scallops, which are being sold at a lower cost than Vineyard scallops. “They are shipping Long Island scallops to Boston. We have to compete with that,” he said.

Fishermen reported earning approximately $10 a pound for their product this week, compared with earlier in the year when they netted as much as $15 per pound.

The reduced price is a burden for scallopers but a benefit to local consumers. On-Island, scallops are selling for approximately $15 a pound, down from as high as $20 earlier this year.