

My good friend Cheyenne Cormier accompanied me to Nonna’s in White Plains last week during school vacation. I had to help 94-year-old Nonna with her taxes and some home repairs. Cheyenne had never been to New York; I told her we probably wouldn’t have time to go into “the city” but only hang in White Plains. She said that dreaded four-letter word: “mall.” It was quite a week, but let me just start off with the trip itself. We made the Saturday boat, two dogs and one cat crated in the back seat. Well, they have to see their Grandma, too. For the first 45 minutes we listened to Cheyenne’s music, rap crap and slip-slop. Finally, I said I cannot drive to this music. She agreed to listen to mine. I slipped in a Judy Collins CD. Big sigh. “What do you call this kind of music?” she asked. I told her folk music. After one side of that I thought I would perk her up with the Eagles’ greatest hits. Life in the Fast Lane was the first cut. Another big sigh. “Oh, my Dad knows this song.” After the Eagles I slipped in another disc. She turned with that half curled-up lip only a teenager can produce and sarcastically said: “Seriously?” Then she prepared to undo her seat belt and fling herself out on 95 South. “But, it’s Bob Dylan,” I protested. Add insult to injury, Cheyenne asked: “Who’s Bob Dylan?” I coaxed her back into her seat belt. We found a radio station we compromised on. And then, thank goodness, the Dramamine her Mom says she needs to take for motion sickness kicked in. As she snored lightly I had a fabulous drive, playing (and singing off-key along to) Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, Uncle Frank Sinatra, Broadway show music, opera, and, yes, the dreaded Bob Dylan. I have driven many young folks to New York and so I had the presence of mind to shut off the tuner just before we exited at exit 93 Connecticut, where all children and pets wake up as the enchanting smell of McDonald’s burgers and fries wafts across the highway. We walked the dogs, had our rest stop and food, Chey never knew. I am just hoping osmosis works and she is now subliminally keyed to appreciate my music. Stay tuned to find out the rest of our adventure.

Lobster rolls return this Friday night at Grace Church! Our season begins early and steady, from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., or until the food runs out. Pies and hot dogs are available as always. I’ll see you there.

Stokley Towles, of the artistically talented Towles family, has another showing of Stormwater: Life in the Gutter, which reveals the world of urban rainfall, Seattle’s drainage system and the people who manage it. Performances are all free if you are out in the Seattle area from May 4 to May 27 at the Seattle Center. The photo that accompanies Stokley’s press release, Stoke emerging hard-hatted from a sewer, is a riot.

Sixty entries were offered to the Featherstone Center for the Arts and Martha’s Vineyard Museum Island Portrait contest. They will be showing in June. But the judges are also interested in your vote. People’s choice votes may be cast

Featherstone will also be holding its third annual Garden Tea Party and Fashion Show at 30 Featherstone Lane, Oak Bluffs, on Saturday, May 12. This is an elegant affair, tented, outside, always on a beautiful May day. Reservations are required by May 5. Admission is $40 per ticket. I’ll see you there.

Our Martha’s Vineyard Magazine’s newest issue hits the stands today. The issue has articles on our amazing Sharks baseball team, covers visits to three local radio stations, and shows you the winning photos in the fourth annual contest. Be sure to pick one up!

Belated anniversary bouquets go to a couple who fell in love and stayed there. Paul and Marge Howes celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary on April 24. Cheers!

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Jennie Lindland today. Tomorrow belongs to Ron Tolin, Jenna Corey and Paulo Roberto Oliveira. April 29 is shared by Stephen Dunham the Younger and Marci Nichols. April 30 is claimed by Ronilton Oliveira and Andie Williamson. And on May 1, Andie’s twin, Ellie Williamson, Marina Natichioni, Megan Stiller, Kirsten Claussen, Mary Muckerheide, Lindsey Ben David and Barbara Murphy take the cake. Many happy returns.