Nancy Gardella



Spring ahead? Didn’t we just fall back? I can’t believe it. I am reminded of that wonderful Joni Mitchell song, the Circle Game, in which she says it so much more eloquently and beautifully than I do, but basically, this is it: childhood seems interminable. Adolescence is purgatory. Young adulthood is like being on a monster roller coaster with no brakes or seat belts. Then, just when the path seems to straighten out and you learn to pace yourself, you’re hurled onto an out of control merry-go-round and “drag your feet to slow the circles down.” Well, spring ahead we must and thank you, Benjamin Franklin.

I am blessed with very good neighbors. I have been under the weather frequently this winter, none of it serious but all of it annoying. Anyway, two weeks ago I was sick in bed, not expecting anyone. I heard a knock on the door, didn’t get up. About 30 minutes later, another knock, still didn’t get up. Fell asleep and missed two phone calls. Apparently one of my favorite young neighbors and dog walkers, Robbie Rogers, had come to check on me because he hadn’t seen me or the dogs around. When he couldn’t raise me up he went to our other friend in the ’hood, Ryan Laslovitch, and told his dad, Keith Laslovitch, owner of Rod’s Landscaping, that he was worried about me. Keith was the second knock at my door. Keith peered through the window and left a message on my tape: they were all concerned and was I all right? He kindly said Robbie had reported the place looked “disheveled.” I’m sure Robbie had chosen a different word. Well, since I clean houses for a living the last place I’m cleaning is mine. I’m sure they thought robbers tossed the place and murdered me. How very kind to be watched over in my neighborhood. Thank you, gentlemen!

The Vineyard Haven Public Library’s Tisbury 101 forum on protecting Tisbury’s land and water will be a moderated discussion on Tuesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. The Martha’s Vineyard Poetry Society meets at 7 p.m. at the library on Wednesday, March 14 to present an evening of Civil War-era poetry. I’ll see you there.

Our library also wants you to know that Material World, photos by David Welch, are on exhibit for the month of March during regular library hours. David is a MFA graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design.

The regular American Legion meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 14 at 7 p.m. The Legion Auxiliary, which takes a winter break, will reconvene on Tuesday, March 20 at 7 p.m. While Commander Buddy Oliver is away, Ed Colligan wrote the piece in the March newsletter. Ed wrote a beautiful tribute to Arthur Dickson and his great work for the Legion. Ed also tipped his hat to Fred Thifault, who worked so hard with Arthur to bring the joining of the Seamen’s Bethel to the building. I can still remember the day it was moved. Taps for Arthur Dickson. Get well wishes to Ed.

Anniversary bouquets go out to Dana and Deanna Bangs on March 12.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Naomi Paulson, Ashley Shine, and Bill Stokes today. March 12 is party for Kane Joseph Araujo and James Taylor. March 13 honors Mary Ann Donnelly and Jeff Corr. March 14 belongs to Keena Stuart, Robbie Manning, Bonnie Massaro, Todd Araujo, and Alex, Nicky and Duncan Schilcher. And on March 15 Tami Conroy Hersh, Allie Weisman and Jib Ellis take the cake. Many happy returns.