

Wow, did we hit the jackpot this past week. It was a great Indian Summer and there were plenty of people around to prove it. There were smiles on everybody’s face, that is for sure.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Oliver Lively, Marcos Rodrigues, and David Sweitzer, who all celebrated their day Oct. 8; Erin Hill on Oct. 9; McMahon Sykes on Oct. 11, and to Kenneth Cook 3rd, who celebrates his day today, Oct. 14.

Special birthday wishes go out to Christine White who celebrated her day Oct. 12.

Phyllis Whorton was feted this past Saturday night as she celebrated a milestone birthday. I hear it was a grand night. We were unable to make it, but I would have loved to have seen the look on her face.

Phyllis is the reason why Ralph and I started dating all those year ago when I worked at Tom’s Deli which is now R & B’s. Ralph came in while we were finishing cleaning and Phyllis told him to ask me out. He did and the rest is history. Thanks Phyllis, and here is to a very happy birthday and many more.

With this past weekend being Columbus Day, and so beautiful, everyone was out and about. There were many weddings in town and Ralph and I were out on a ride Sunday and happened into two getting ready to take place at both churches. One bride was walking up the street with her attendants and many people stopped to look and wish her well. There were people on the corner of the courthouse and I even saw a couple with folding chairs sitting and watching the activities.

Sixteen years ago a new family moved into the house next door, which was our Aunt Avis’s home. We were not sure how we were going to do making the change in a situation we had become to accustomed to. It was a couple moving here from New Hampshire was all we knew, so when we met Josh and Jim Kresel we were very happy to have someone our age with kids in the neighborhood. Mary Ellen was finishing up the packing in New Hampshire and came a few days later. We all became instant friends and looked forward to a lot of good years. We had many good times, and as most things go in life, we shared sorrow, we shared the weddings of their children, and we shared in the happiness of the birth of their grandsons.

The house is now sold and Jim and Mary Ellen are moving to Florida where it is warmer. Jim was a respected teacher at the high school and Mary Ellen made many friends in the day care world and has seen many children grow up. Josh became a real Islander and works with Steve Ewing, and loves to fish and hunt so the salt air got into his veins and he is here to stay.

Yes, we will miss them greatly but we wish them well in the new adventure of their lives.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.