The tall ship Eagle, the flagship of the United States and the United States Coast Guard, will be sailing down Vineyard Sound on Wednesday afternoon, if weather cooperates. The 295-foot barque is en route from Boston to New Bedford. The ship has not been seen in these waters for many years. Her home port is New London, Conn.

The ship is observing its 75th year. She has been to Europe and back as part of her summer training cruise, which began in May. The ship spent last weekend in Boston.

Petty officer Nyxolyno Cangemi told the Gazette yesterday, from aboard ship by telephone, that the Eagle will be in Vineyard Sound at about 2 p.m. “That all depends on the wind,” he said.

If visibility cooperates, just about anyone along the north shore beaches will likely see her. Mr. Cangemi said that prior to entering Vineyard Sound, the ship will have done some offshore sailing. He was not aware how the ship would get to Vineyard Sound, nor therefore whether it will be possible to see her sailing across Nantucket Sound and off the East and West Chops.