

My nephew Andy is visiting. Though it may be too late by the time this column hits the newsstands, I’d like to offer his companionship to any family with teenagers. He’s a delightful young man. But what teenager gets up at 6:30 a.m.? That’s Brad time. Quiet time. No talking. I believe my phone number and e-mail are listed above.

Peter Wells looked sad this past week. Typically I don’t meddle in people’s personal woes, but Peter is a friend so I inquired as to his state of bliss, or lack thereof. After some hemming and hawing, he admitted that he was sad that there was no mention of him in the past week’s column. So here’s Peter. Peter did relate a funny story about the bed liner material that they use on the ferry treads. Apparently, the material also comes in red but fades to pink — so some of the more gruff pick-up truck drivers are chagrined to discover that after a few sunny days, their rotweillers’ brindle clashes terribly with the fuchia of their truck bed interior. Always one to laugh at a joke at another’s expense, I guffawed and slapped Peter heartily and man-like on the back. No pink pick-ups for these two! For those of you who are not familiar with Peter — he’s the dapper gentleman sitting on the Edgartown-side ferry bench in the velvet smoking jacket, reading the newest issue of Cosmo. Don’t ask to borrow his mags — they’re his personal copies.

The Chappy Store is open for business. I believe Neff is once again at the helm. There is not a great profit in running the Chappy Store — no one, particularly Gerry, will ever retire on the earnings. It is a service that exists out of good will and tradition. I know of what I speak, because Kim and I ran the store in the mid-1990s. We really did enjoy the experience and Gerry was so kind and generous to let us run it. But it almost killed us. And not entirely with kindness. So, if you’re contemplating complaining about the price of the loaf of bread, don’t.

Roger Becker left me a voice mail reminding me to publish news of the CIA meeting this Saturday. The meeting stars with coffee at 8 a.m., with the formal meeting beginning at 9 a.m.

I’m beginning to believe that Chappy fog consists of 50 per cent moisture and 50 per cent gnats.

I was the beneficiary of not one, but two striped bass deliveries this week. The first came courtesy of Clay Marquart. His offering may have been motivated more out of freezer purging than genuine affection, but appreciated nonetheless. The second came via Jeff and Melinda Fager, Wasque denizens and avid and accomplished rip fishermen. Both were delicious, but the Fager fish was sublime.

The Chappy summer book club will discuss Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks at the community center on Friday, July 22, at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. The August selection is Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson, to be discussed at a future date in August.

Margaret Knight reports summer is in full swing at the community center. Most classes have started, and the rest will start the week of July 5. The Ladies’ Tea is today from 2 to 4 p.m. All are welcome to meet old and new friends and sample the treats of hosts Sue Phinney and Jo-Ann Tilghman. The first ice cream social will be Wednesday, July 6 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., with custom-made sundaes for $4.

Mah Jongg and sailing classes will not be held on July 4. Tennis classes for kids and adults start July 5 with Donna DeFrancis; sign up at the CCC. Art Classes with Laura Jemison for kids and adults start this coming week; sign up through the Old Sculpin Gallery.

Amanda Cohen returns for her popular yoga classes at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Her class is based on yin and vinyasa yoga, all levels. Mats are available at the CCC. Emily Phillips will teach a yoga class on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. beginning July 3. Emily has worked as a fitness specialist, personal trainer, and teaches yoga at Equinox and Exhale Spa in Boston in the off-season. Her slow -flow yoga classes focus on proper alignment, mindfulness and breath. All levels are welcome. Yoga classes are $12 for subscribers and $15 for nonsubscribers.

Tom Pardee teaches a free Tai Chi class on Mondays and Fridays at 9 a.m. Toni Cohen will return to teach Pilates at 9 a.m. on Wednesdays, beginning July 6. Jo-Ann Tilghman continues her dance exercise class to music on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Chappy Pong starts on July 9; instruction or free play with Bob O’Rourke from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All levels are welcome.