Rabbi Caryn Broitman will lead the annual Hanukkah celebration on Friday, Dec. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center.

Tis the season to show the 1946 classic holiday film It’s a Wonderful Life. This family-friendly film debuts at the film center on Wednesday, Dec. 17...

Sights and sounds of Christmas come together through storytelling, imagery and music for stage and screen with Alan Brigish, Susan Klein and Gary...

Brian Ditchfield has paid homage to Dylan Thomas's A Child's Christmas in Wales by creating his own version entitled A Child's Christmas in Edgartown...

Windswept, a new novel by Kate Hancock, opens with the story of Josiah Cook, a farmer on Chappaquiddick who in the late 18th century witnesses...

Hope O’Brien became interested in handbells as a young girl growing up in the Berkshires. Although her parents were in a handbell choir, young Hope...


Arts Briefs

Young performers up to age 18 are invited to take part in Friday's online open mic, receive a gift certificate and maybe win free pizza.

The Beach Road Weekend music festival will not be returning to Vineyard Haven until late summer 2022, producer Adam Epstein said Monday.

It's Jane Eyre in February and Middlemarch all March with the Martha's Vineyard Library Association's online book group.
