Rev james forbes
This Sunday, July 29, the Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes Jr. will be the guest preacher at the Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs.  Reverend Forbes, Senior...
Vineyard resident and Black Dog CEO Robert Douglas placed first overall at the 2012 International Kite Association World Speed Championships held...
Zachary Waller of Edgartown graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Near Eastern Studies from Cornell University on May 27.
Chilmark is holding on tight as we whip around the corner into August. Before I bring you up to date on all the social activities available to you...
The Aquinnah Cultural Center will be hosting the annual Native Artisans Festival on Saturday, July 28 in Aquinnah Circle from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The...
It’s time to read again! My favorite clock has been placed across from the old Bunch of Grapes building to the front of the new Bunch of Grapes. What...
We now are at the beginning of tenant turnover weekend. It is time to say goodbye to all the July visitors and wish them a fond farewell. We trust...
east chop lighthouse
RICK HERRICK 508-693-8065 ( If I were ever to write a book about East Chop people, the title would be a slam dunk. I would...
Of 52 Island beaches (by my count—e-mail yours and I’ll e-mail mine), only the Inkwell has been the subject and title of a movie, bad as it was, with...
I can skip Monday and Tuesday’s weather and keep Wednesday’s. Nice cool breeze, warm enough to wear short sleeves and clear enough to see forever at...
I wonder if there is another place like Chappy. Is there any place quite so remote and yet accessible? Popular and unpopular? Populous and under-...
Lost Rockets. A classified advertisement in the Gazette recently described how a group of Cub Scouts had shot off 12-inch rockets and many of the...
