The off-season journey this year has traveled down an icy road with few rest stops along the way. Some years Islanders get cranky with cabin fever...
Finance committees have been holed up in meetings since the first of the year, reviewing department budgets, line by line. Often little public...
The town of Aquinnah moves one step closer to owning the Gay Head Light this week, submitting a comprehensive application for ownership after months...
As chairman of the Martha's Vineyard Commission, it concerns me that recent criticisms of the commission seem to be largely based on misinformation...
I’d like to clear up some misinformation about the Martha’s Vineyard Commission’s fiscal year budget that has appeared in the press and at various...
Longtime Island resident Jane Farrow has written an Island cookbook. It is filled with recipes for the sophisticated dishes that Jane and her late...
Matthew Gamache, 36, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with attempted murder, domestic assault and battery, intimidation of a witness, 24...
Town voters will be asked to approve a $600,000 override at the annual election this spring. The town town budget is $25.7 million.
The Martha's Vineyard Film Festival opens on Thursday, March 13, with over 20 films, including features and documentaries, being shown during the...
Thanks to William Riley Deeble, who was the first master I met at my new dormitory home, I had no time to feel sorry for myself.
I completely agree with the view Captain Contessa expresses in the Feb. 28 letter/commentary about stronger striper regulations needed.
A major consideration conspicuously absent from coverage of the proceedings at public hearings — that of the environmental impact and consideration...
